What to Eat with Pancakes to Make Them Healthier

Some people can’t get enough of a hearty pancake breakfast in the morning. This breakfast, which is high in carbs, can give you enough energy for a full day of physical activity. But can pancakes be good for you? Usually not. But if you like to start your day with a stack of fluffy pancakes, what to eat with pancakes to make them healthy? There are ways to make them healthier and lower the number of calories and carbs so you can eat them as part of a healthy diet.

Is Eating Pancakes a Healthful Choice?

Your carbohydrate intake will increase if you eat pancakes. A primary source of energy for your body is carbohydrates, so this nutrient is critical. Nutritionists, on the other hand, recommend that you get your daily carb intake from nutrient-dense sources. That doesn’t usually apply to pancakes.

Enriched flour is commonly used in the preparation of pancakes and pancake mixes. An enriched food is one which has added nutrients while being made. When food is processed, most of the nutrients (like vitamins and minerals) are removed, and then some of them are added back in at the end.

Is it true that enriched foods are harmful to your health? Although it’s not necessary, you’ll be missing out on fiber and other nutrients if you’re eating enriched bread products. When you eat pancakes, your blood sugar is likely to spike quickly and leave you feeling satiated for a short period of time. ​

It’s also possible that if you buy pancake mix, you’ll get a dose of trans fat. Partially hydrogenated oils are a component of some brands (trans fats). Trans fats, according to medical professionals, should be avoided at all costs.

Healthy Pancake Recipes

How can a pancake meal be made healthier? Definitely! Incorporate pancakes into your weekly meal plan by following these simple tips to keep them lower in sugar, lower in fat, and lower on calories.

  • Do away with the pancake mix and make your own. Avoid trans fats by reading the ingredients carefully.
  • To help you feel fuller longer, cook with whole wheat flour.
  • Reduce your fat intake by using a high-quality non-stick pan instead of oil or butter.
  • Avoid the syrup and butter. Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries, all high in antioxidants and nutrients, are excellent additions to your pancakes.

Protein-Packed Blueberry Lemon Ricotta Pancakes

Making these pancakes with yogurt and cottage cheese accomplishes two goals: It adds protein to the breakfast table and produces the lightest, fluffiest pancakes you’ve ever had. Simple and healthy blueberry compote will never be the same again after you’ve tried it.

Oatmeal Pancakes with Cinnamon Apples

Bisquick is a thing of the past! It’s fine to use the common dry mix when you’re in a hurry, but why not spend an extra two minutes in the mixing bowl to make better pancakes? You can stabilize your blood sugar levels by eating a stack of pancakes that are made with oats and wheat flour, which add fiber and protein to the pancakes.

Pancakes with Blueberry Compote and Lemon-Poppy Seed Mix

Despite the fact that pancakes aren’t the healthiest breakfast option, you don’t have to completely give them up. Pancakes can be transformed from a source of empty calories and carbs to a nutritious part of your diet with a few simple changes in ingredients. Oats and flaxseed meal are included in this pancake recipe, making it a whole-grain delight with a whopping six grams of dietary fiber per serving. These pancakes are bursting with flavor thanks to the addition of blueberries, maple syrup, and lemon juice. One of the healthiest pancake recipes you can make at home for a weekend brunch or breakfast is this one.

Plant-Based Whole Grain Pancakes with Cashew Butter

This plant-based pancake recipe is fortified with a few ingredients that are excellent sources of nutrients. To start your day off right, this meal contains 14 grams of protein per serving, making it ideal for those mornings when you need a little extra fuel. Make this healthy pancake recipe over and over again because it’s so good.

Sweet Potato Pancakes with Coconut Cream

The coconut cream and toasted coconut (instead of syrup) on top of these light, slightly sweet pancakes helps keep the sugar count low without sacrificing flavor. Sweet potatoes, which are a good source of vitamin A and potassium, are used in their preparation. We’re not sure what else will persuade your kids to eat their vegetables if these tricks don’t work.

Healthy and Nutritious Pancake Toppings

If so, how much butter and syrup do you put on your short stack? What about jam and whipped cream on your flapjacks? Pancakes beg for buttery, sweet, and naughty toppings.

But that’s not the end of the mouth-watering variety! Whole wheat pancakes and equally delectable toppings that are actually quite good for you are an excellent way to get creative without adding inches to your waistline.

1. Strawberry Jam with Chia Seeds

Skip the jams from the store and make your own homemade sweets instead. Chia seeds are the secret ingredient.

Chia seeds make the jam safe to eat, and they’re also good for your health. They are full of antioxidants and have few calories. Omega-3 fatty acids are also abundant in these foods.

2. Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit is an easy and healthy thing to put on pancakes. They are full of healthy things and have a lot of sweet tastes.

Add your favorite berries to your pancakes to enjoy the sweet flavors of summer. You could even add orange wedges to your pancakes for a tangy treat.

3. Maple Syrup, Bacon made from Turkey, and Walnuts

This idea doesn’t need a recipe! The taste of bacon, walnuts, and maple syrup is the fastest way to fill a hungry stomach in the morning.

To make this idea healthier, replace the fatty bacon strips with low-fat, lean turkey strips and use pure maple syrup.

4. Pancakes with Stilton and Spinach and a Soft Egg

What says brunch more than a soft fried egg full of protein and sautéed spinach full of iron? Nothing!

This recipe for a healthy topping goes well with some tasty crepes. Last, add grilled mushrooms to finish it all off.

5. Hot Fruit Bake

On a rainy Saturday morning, make this beautiful fruit bake to go on top of your pancakes to get your body ready for the day. This bake has chunks of pineapple, pear, and apple, as well as fresh cranberries and pears.

You’ll also add lemon juice, coconut sugar, cinnamon, and a few other lovely things to the hot fruit bake. This topping will make your pancakes so much better.

6. Greek Yogurt and Chocolate Nibs

Want chocolate but don’t want all the calories from sugar? Your best friend is cacao nibs. When paired with Greek yogurt, you can still get your creamy, chocolatey fix while staying healthy.

Also, Greek yogurt is good for your health in many ways. It is a great source of protein, probiotics, potassium, and calcium.

It is a great source of protein, probiotics, potassium, and calcium. 

7. Easy and Healthy Triple Berry Pancake Topping 

Berry syrup you buy tastes good, but it has a lot of sugar and a lot of calories. This healthy triple-berry pancake topping would be a great alternative.

To make the topping, you only need three things and your stove top. If you have leftovers, they will keep well in the fridge for 4 to 6 days.

8. Flowers You Can Eat

If you want a breakfast that will look great on Instagram, add a few edible flowers to your pancakes. Just make your favorite pancake or crepe batter, pour it into a hot pan, and sprinkle the edible flowers on top.

Edible flowers don’t add crazy flavors, but they do make a simple breakfast look more beautiful. Marigolds and Pansies are two great examples of flowers that can be eaten.

9. Blueberries that are healthy and made with frozen yogurt

Putting yogurt on fruit and then freezing it is another great idea. These tasty blueberries dipped in frozen yogurt are a great snack, but they would also be great on pancakes.

You only need fresh blueberries, Greek yogurt, parchment paper, and a baking sheet for this idea. Make them the night before you want to eat them so that the yogurt and berries have time to harden.


Be mindful that one indulgent brunch or breakfast is not likely to derail your healthy eating regimen. This is a meal you may want to limit your intake of due to the high caloric content and poor nutritional value of pancakes. However, pancakes can be made healthier with the addition of healthy toppings. Maintaining good health and a healthy weight can be achieved by including a variety of healthy breakfast options in your daily diet.