Tips for Scrambling Eggs So They’re Light and Fluffy

scrambled eggs with bread

For several young cooks, scrambled eggs are the first dish they master. Making scrambled eggs aren’t that hard, right? You just crack those eggs,  beat the eggs, and toss them in the pan with some cheese and chives. But what most of us don’t notice is that we could make the typical, … Read more

Turn Pancake Mix into Waffle Mix

pancake waffle mix

In case you haven’t noticed pancake and waffle batter are not the same. Although at first look, pancake and waffle batters share several ingredients, but if you look closer you will be able to see significant differences between them. So what’s the difference between a pancake and waffle batter? Did you ever … Read more

You Can Cook Bacon in the Oven

Beautifully arranged bacon

Bacon is one of the oldest cured meats in history, and it was first introduced in 1500 BC when the Chinese began salting pork belly. Today, most people can agree that eating a strip or two of crispy and smoky bacon is one of life’s greatest pleasures. However, cooking bacon while standing … Read more