How to Pair Breakfast Biscuits and Eggs?

Assorted-shaped dough

Breakfast is not exciting for busy people as some of them tend to skip their breakfast meal. Breakfast is the essential meal of the day. It helps you to keep going for the rest of your day. The nutritious breakfast boosts the energy. A breakfast meal is mostly of toast, tea, coffee, … Read more

Guide to the Different Types of Eggs

Guide to the Different Types of Eggs

Eggs are one of the most common items that you can find in any kitchen, all the time. From being an essential item in our breakfasts to being the most important ingredient in baking, eggs are the healthiest food item that supplies your body with all the essential minerals, vitamins, and good … Read more

What are the Different Ways to Cook Eggs?

What are the Different Ways to Cook Eggs

Eggs are one of the most famous foods served for breakfast. They are one of the least expensive and most versatile sources of protein, as well. And you’ve likely been asked at home or at a restaurant the popular question, “How do you want your eggs?”. Sunnyside up and boiled are two … Read more

Making Eggless Waffles

eggs and waffles

Did you ever crave waffles but when you pop open your fridge you see that you don’t have eggs for your usual waffle recipe? Or do you have allergies or food sensitivities to eggs, but you really want to have a bite of that sweet, delicious, crispy, and golden brown, waffle? Worry … Read more

Tips for Scrambling Eggs So They’re Light and Fluffy

scrambled eggs with bread

For several young cooks, scrambled eggs are the first dish they master. Making scrambled eggs aren’t that hard, right? You just crack those eggs,  beat the eggs, and toss them in the pan with some cheese and chives. But what most of us don’t notice is that we could make the typical, … Read more

What is the Origin and Major Types of Omelets

Veggie Waffle Omelet

An Omeletis probably one of the most popular breakfast foods in the world. It is made from eggs and it is common for the Omelet to be folded and have a filling such as vegetables, chives, cheese, ham, bacon, mushrooms or sometimes it could be a combination of all. Sometimes the eggs … Read more